I've heard veterinarians on numerous occasions state (sometimes quite vehemently) that cats are carnivores and should not be given vegetarian diets. Ok, I can accept that cats need meat to eat, but I believe that cats are omnivores and not just carnivores.
A number of years ago I discovered that along with my dogs, my cat Stanley also enjoyed salad items such as tomato, cucumber and even a little nibble of lettuce. He has always been willing to try any kind of food in order to fill the emptiness of his belly. If he was truly a carnivore than he would simply refuse to eat anything that wasn't meat wouldn't he?
For some time I believed that Stanley was simply a little on the eccentric side. After all, he believed he was a dog for the first three years of his life. But now I've discovered that many cats truly are omnivores and it's not just limited to odd, and I do mean "odd" cats.
Over the past year, our two older cats Stanley and Larci have discovered that they can break into our pantry. Inside the cupboard is a world of before unknown tasty delacies including yoghurt powder. Yoghurt powder can be made into ordinary yoghurt for human consumption, but for the cats it was one delectable delight to be licked up at one's leisure.
After that incident and having to clean up the resulting mess, we decided to forgo purchasing the yoghurt powder, much to the disgust of the cats, who then turned their noses and claws to other untried foodstuffs in the pantry such as dried pasta and spaghetti and soup mixes.
Weirdly though, the cats also seemed to enjoy consuming dried beans! Let's just hope they don't discover how to open cans. ©
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