May 22, 2011

Exciting Bird Photos...ok, so they're only exciting to me!

I'm a keen photographer and have managed to snap images of around 60 birds, at least half of which have been in my own backyard. 

Just recently I photographed one bird which I have not
been able to identify though I've checked the bird
books. I'm wondering whether it's a Striated
Thornbill or a a Rufous Whistler, though it
looks different to those presented in the bird book.
Then there was a scarlet honeyeater, which unfortunately
is not the best photo, but these little fellows only seem
to drop in for a couple of days a year, and do not
sit still for more than a couple of seconds at a time!

Additionally I was excited to find two new kinds of birds in our backyard tree in half an hour!

First was a black-faced cuckoo shrike.

And just a few minutes later, I spotted a spangled drongo!
(Or was that drangled a spotted spongo?)


  1. The scarlet honeyeater is a handsome fellow.

  2. Yes he certainly is. I'm hoping one day to get a decent shot, but at the rate they've been coming to my home, it might take me around ten years!
