November 10, 2010

The Famous Charlie McCarthy

As I write today's blog entry, I'm playing this week's Radio Rewind spot on my breakfast show. This is the weekly program where I play radio programs from yesteryear. These can include science fiction, mystery, comedy and much more.

Charlie McCarthy was a famous ventriliquest radio act (operated by Edgar Bergen) from 1937 to 1956 and their fame continued into television after that.

Apparently the character of Charlie McCarthy was believed by many listeners to be a real person, and that's where Edgar Bergen's genius lay. He presented Charlie as a mischevious and cheeky boy. While Bergen did have other likeable characters, it was Charlie that the listeners loved.

Next week on the show I'll be presenting part one of "When the Worlds Met" an episode from the science-fiction show "2000 Plus". This has been broken up into two parts.

Many of the science-fiction programs from this era had ideas of the future that are now so dated that they can seem rather foolish and funny to us. But nevertheless, my listeners seem to be enjoying the radio rewind spot and the variety of shows.

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