I am seeking true stories from people who have had an encounter with God that shows His wonderful sense of humour. Eventually I would like to publish the stories in book form, with all profits going to Open Doors and Bible Society Australia.
Open Doors: Open Doors delivers Bibles.. assists with pastoral training, literacy training and more, all with the purpose of strengthening the Persecuted Church so they remain God's light in our world. Open Doors is a unique ministry to persecuted Christians, the only one with hundreds of staff members worldwide implementing significant projects on the frontlines of faith. Open Doors currently is conducting far-reaching and comprehensive programs in most countries where Christians are embattled for their faith in Jesus Christ.
Bible Society Australia: The aim of the Bible Society is to "put the Bible into people’s hands...This means that every effort is made to raise funds in order that they might produce Scripture in a language that is understood, in a format that is acceptable, at a price that is affordable."
If you have a true story that you would freely like to share for inclusion in this book, and are willing to waive all rights to the story, I would love to hear from you.
You can email me at magdalena_babblejack @ yahoo.com (don't forget to remove the spaces in the email address). Please include your full name, address, and phone number (with country and area code please). Should your story be included, your name and hometown/country will be included with it!
Of course, once I get a good selection together I can then contact you to let you know that I am proceeding with the publication of the book!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
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